our vision
Transforming the social and spiritual culture of impoverished communities for Christ.
our mission
We seek to bridge the gap in three ways:
Between the Savior and our friends in crisis.
We follow the example of Jesus and go to the hurting and hopeless in impoverished and struggling communities. We show God's love by meeting immediate basic needs - such as food, hygiene and clothing - while sharing the good news of the gospel and the hope of salvation.
Between the church and communities in need.
We provide opportunities for the church to engage with and make impact in the lives of those living in communities in need. We believe God "places the lonely in families" (Psalms 68:6). Those families are local churches where our friends can find a place to find community and purpose as they grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Between our friends and community resources & support
We seek to be a bridge between individuals/communities and the resources available to best meet their needs and connect them with an opportunity for a new beginning. We do this by seeking collaborations and establishing partnerships with churches, non-profits, government agencies, recovery professionals, mental health specialists, and other organizations.
our strategy
Go to our friends in need
Create a safe place
Demonstrate the love of God in practical ways
Share the hope of the Gospel
Provide opportunity & connect our friends to resources
Celebrate progress and encourage self-responsibility